George The Farmer Pty Ltd

George The Farmer, Ruby and The Dairy Dilemma Picture Book

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Animals and robotics in one book? You can bet your bottom dollar this one is a favourite! "Alex the dairy farmer needs help. His dairy cow, Polly, has a pooey problem! Join George and Ruby in this udderly fantastic tale, as they get to the bottom of the dairy dilemma using Ruby's beaut agronomy skills!"

At 32 pages in length with 16 full-page, colour illustrations, it's the perfect, fun way to teach kids about milk production. In Australia, 45% of year six kids didn't identify lunch box items such as cheese as originating from a farm and almost 1/3 thought yoghurt came from a plant! Make sure your little ones change this statistic!

32 pages | 14 illustrations | Released 2016